The FAQ editor allows you to You can create and edit FAQ articles in the FAQ editor: one by one. However, if you need to add multiple articles at once, the importing/exporting functionality comes in handy. This page describes the key points of managing articles.
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FAQ file structure
When you export or import FAQ articles, you have to deal work with XLSX files. These are spreadsheets with 5 columns:
Lang: the language of a given article.
KB: the associated knowledge base. In this field, you must type the host of your Koji. Typically, it is something like:
.Article ID: the unique identifier of the article. You don’t need to specify anything here, as because once the file is uploaded, Koji will assign an ID automatically. Thus, if you export the FAQ file later on, the articles will have their IDs.
Title: the title serves as the question that users are going expected to ask.
Content: an actual answer to a user’s statementquestion.
Creating a file with articles
2. Modify the KB
column by typing your Koji’s host. It might be something like
3. Import the file by clicking Import articles at the top of the window in Content > FAQ.
Now the articles are available both in Content > FAQyour FAQ editor and in the chat.
Testing articles
Once your articles are in place, you might want to see them in action. To do so, just ask Koji a question from the “title” column.