Manage what users can and cannot do by assigning them proper roles.

Key points

The Tenants role setup report is available to users with the Jira administrator role. Such users can modify other users' roles, but they cannot modify their own role. That means that if a Jira administrator wants to change their role, they need to ask another Jira administrator to do so.

Managing roles

To manage user roles, go :

  1. Go to Configuration > Tenants > Tenants role setup


  1. to view the list of your users and


  1. their roles.

  2. To assign a user a specific role, click Set in a corresponding column.


To narrow the search, select a specific tenant from the Tenants drop-down list, or enter a user’s name in the User filter field.


There are 4 roles:

  • Koji Admin can manage admin manages the app's content and settings and adjust adjusts the access configuration.

  • Koji Analyst analyst has access to the app's statistics.

  • Operator (also known as a live agent) uses Slack or Microsoft Teams to communicate with users directly and help them in tricky situations.

  • Customer can ask the virtual assistant questions in the portal’s chat. Users who log in to Koji for the first time get this role.


The following screenshot demonstrates the UI for Logan Brown, a Jira administrator:
