Your virtual agent for IT Service Desk can be integrated into Microsoft Teams. This page describes how to perform this integration.
To integrate Kbot into Microsoft Teams and let users use teams to access Virtual Agent for IT Service Desk possibilities, a ServiceNow service account is required. You must perform 2 steps:
Create a service account.
Set it in the ServiceNow settings of Kbot.
To learn more about this procedure, see the Service account page.
Opening the Microsoft Teams chat
Once you have arranged a service account, you can access your Virtual Agent for IT Service Desk in Microsoft Teams. To do so, perform the following:
Open your Kbot admin panel.
Go to DevOps > Deployment > Channel deployment > Microsoft Teams app.
Navigate to the Sharing a conversation URL section.
To open a conversation, click the given link.
5. You can start talking to the bot.
Custom icon
When your virtual agent for IT Service Desk is integrated into Microsoft Teams, its icon can be displayed on the app bar on the left side of Teams.
The default icon represents the capital letter K from Konverso. However, it is possible to modify the icon to make the app fit your company’s brand style. If you need such a customization, feel free to contact us.