Once you have installed Koji, you might want to check the settings that define its behavior. To do so, click Koji settings to see and modify settings.


Before you start modifying and using Koji, you must read and accept the End User License Agreement. Click the link to view the document. If you agree with the terms, click the button to accept them. Once it is done, you can refresh the page and start configuring your Koji.


There are project and global settings that you can modify.

Contact email

Check the email that is currently associated with your project. This email is used only if we need to send you important information or contact you. You can edit your contact email address by clicking the button.

Project settings

Displaying the chatbot in the portal

By default the chat is disabled. Once you have configured your Koji and tested its performance, you can enable the chat on your portal, so it becomes available for users.

Displaying the chatbot above the ticket options

Select where the chatbot is displayed on the page: place it either above or below ticket options.

This setting is available only for the Cloud version.

Global settings

Welcome message

Edit the welcome message — the one that users see when they open the chatbot. Feel free to modify it, as you can always restore the default welcome message. To modify the message, click the Edit button.

For more information, see the Welcome message page.

Bot name

By default your bot is called Koji, but you can change its name. To modify the name, click the Edit button.

Feel free to play with the name: you can restore the default name at any moment.

Bot avatar

By default the Koji icon is used as the avatar, but you can change it.

To customize your bot's avatar:

1. Go to ContentFile manager.

2. Click Upload in the upper left of the window.

3. Upload a PNG image called kbot_avatar. We recommend using a square image with the size of at least 64 pixels.

Once you have uploaded the image, it is automatically set as a new avatar. Note that the new avatar is displayed in your bot's new answers, while older replies will not be updated.

Anonymous access

You can change the way your virtual assistant addresses anonymous users. By default Koji calls them "dear colleague" or "human". You can set it to "customer", "colleague", or anything that fits your brand.

Also Koji is configured to speak with anonymous users in a given language. You can change it as well by clicking the corresponding language.


Enable social chatting, so the assistant can have small talks with users and become more friendly. Let Koji discuss informal topics.

Transferring to a live agent

The Live agents functionality is available on Koji dedicated instances. To learn more about it, view the following:

Ticket management

Including chat transcript

This option adds a private comment to any ticket created by Koji that includes the transcript of the chat between the user and the bot as well the communication channel used.

Translating ticket types and fields

If enabled, the ticket types and fields will be automatically translated into the language of the user.

Using slot filling

Generative AI

This newest Koji feature allows you to enable the use of Generative AI (GPT) to answer the questions of your users in both ways:

This feature has been tested and is the most stable with English and French. Beware that using asking questions in other languages may not result in satisfying answers.

If you would like to benefit from more advanced features, please contact Konverso via this link: Contact Us.

Generative AI with GPT using your local FAQ

You can enable GPT (Azure OpenAI) to generate an answer based on your local FAQ knowledge base.

Konverso uses the Azure OpenAI service to ensure the protection of customers' data. Please refer to this page: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/legal/cognitive-services/openai/data-privacy for more information about Azure OpenAI’s data protection policy and security.

Before using this feature, please sure that you have created and enabled your FAQ. Learn how to create FAQs on this documentation page or by watching our tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HnnSGPiq6U.

Step 1: Create and enable your FAQ

Step 2: Enable Generative AI with GPT (Azure OpenAI) using your local FAQ

Step 3: Reindex your FAQ content to immediately benefit from Generative AI

Click the Index the data of your local FAQ button to launch the re-indexation process of your FAQ. This step is needed in order to immediately make the content of your FAQ available to GPT. This is also needed if you made changes to your FAQ.

Note that your FAQ is still automatically re-indexed every night, so if you made changes to the FAQ and you do not re-index manually, the changes will be taken into account after the automatic re-indexation the next day.

If you would like to use Generative AI with your Confluence content, please contact Konverso via this link: Contact Us.

Generative AI with GPT

You can enable GPT (Azure OpenAI) to generate an answer based on the knowledge used to train the model.

Note that only knowledge prior to 2022 is available.


Define the list of knowledge bases where your assistant will look for answers:

Konverso offers more search capabilities. If you want to find out more options or you want to fine-tune the existing ones, please, contact us.