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Working with
incidents and requests
Kbot can connect to various trouble ticketing systems. Consultants can work with tickets issues and requests with the help of another Kbot tool called Workflow.
Let’s take a look at some use cases. The following ticketrecord-related tutorials are presented from the simplest to the most difficult.
Properties basics
When you work with ticketsrecords, it is necessary to collect various properties. The process of collecting properties is called Slot Filling. For example, to create a ticket record the chatbot requires additional information, such as the ticket’s a title, description, priority, etc.
Watch a short video displaying the properties that the chatbot requires to create a ticketrecord of the incident type.
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Create an incident
record (sample 1)
View the process of Slot Filling using several intent properties. As a result, the chatbot creates a ticket record with the collected information.
Learn how to work with properties.
Learn about utility nodes — special blocks designed specifically to be reused in Workflows.
See the process of creating a ticket record that uses properties information.
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Create an incident
record (sample 2)
View the process of Slot Filling by collecting the pieces of information required for creating a ticket record through a conversation workflow.
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Create an incident
record (sample 3)
Another example of the Slot Filling process. Collecting the pieces of information required for creating a ticket record through a conversation workflow.
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See how a utility node can be used to detect the ticket record category. In this example we demonstrate how you can call the ticket record categorization Workflow. For instance, this Workflow can be called by the Incident or Request intents.