Configuring Microsoft Bot connection

Configuring Microsoft Bot connection

To enable the integration with Microsoft Teams, you must configure the connection details.


Azure portal

1. Go to portal.azure.com.

2. Find and open Bot Services.

3. In the upper left of the window, click Create. The list of services opens.

4. Select Azure Bot. Note that it might be in the end of the list, so you should click Load more to view the complete list.

5. In Azure Bot, click Create.

6. Specify the bot’s details.

In Project details:

  • Specify Bot handle (internal name).

  • Select the subscription.

In Microsoft App ID:

  • Select Create new Microsoft App ID.

7. Click Review + create.

8. When the validation is passed, the bot’s details are displayed. Click Create to continue.

9. When the bot is created, the overview is displayed. Click Go to resource.

10. In the Bot profile menu, type its name and click Apply. Icon and description are optional.

11. In the Configuration menu, set the messaging endpoint as https://domain/api/botendpoint and click Apply. In our sample, it is https://koji-solo.konverso.ai/api/botendpoint.

12. In the Microsoft App ID area, click Manage. The Certificates & secrets view opens.

13. By default there is already one client secret created. However, it is impossible to copy its value, so it is required to create a new client secret. You can delete the existing client secret, as we are not using it.

14. Click New client secret, type its description, specify the expiry date, and click Add.

15. When the client secret is created, copy and save its value. It is important to do it right away, because the value will be hidden later.

16. Go to Overview and copy the Client ID.

17. Now go back to the bot menu (to do so, click its name in the breadcrumbs), select Microsoft Teams, and click Save.

Koji host

1. Go to Configuration > General > Chat channels.

2. Enter Client ID and Client secret.

3. Click Save.


On Azure portal, you can test the chat. To do so, select Test in Web Chat in the navigation menu.


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