To create a widget for your ServiceNow environment, go to Configuration > Widget and create one.
Migrating from old widget
In case you are migrating from old version of widget to the new one, you might want to keep the parameters you have defined earlier. To do so, export the properties from the sys_properties
Application = "Virtual Agent for IT Service Desk"
Widget parameters
Previously, you had to set the widget configuration in your ServiceNow environment. Now, all these settings are set in the UI of Kbot, in Configuration > Widget.
The old widget settings UI in ServiceNow contained lots of settings:
In the current widget settings UI in ServiceNow you need to enter only the host for your Kbot application and the widget ID:
Let’s take a look at the settings.
General settings
Name: enter the name of your widget.
Description: enter the description.
Application: select the application type for your widget.
Widget appearance and behavior
Width: the
Chat window position:
Title background color:
Title text color:
Resize button text:
Close button text:
Minimize button text:
Refresh conversation on close:
Make the chat modal