Conversation training

Conversation training


To use this functionality, a user must have the Koji admin role. To manage roles, go to Configuration > Tenants > Tenant role setup.

Key points

Conversation training allows you to analyze real-life conversations and improve the bot’s ability to provide useful replies.

While some replies are useful and straight to the point, others might be not so accurate. In this case you can lower their rating, so Kbot does not suggest them to users.

The approach of monitoring real conversations and cleaning up the replies ensures the accurate training that is based on relevant and trustworthy data.


The main purpose of the Conversation training tool is to improve Kbot replies: they must be useful and quickly help users. These replies are referred to as “insights”.

Insights are any items that prove to be helpful: short answers or articles.

How does it work?

Working with the Conversation training consists of 3 main stages:

  1. Reviewing user chat sessions.

  2. Analyzing conversations and associated insights.

  3. Rating and training the insights.

How do I use it?

To take full advantage of the tool, learn about its features. They help to view the statistics, manage insights, and so on. Read about them on the Features page.