Exporting and importing FAQ articles

Exporting and importing FAQ articles

You can create and edit FAQ articles in the FAQ editor one by one. However, if you need to add multiple articles at once, the importing/exporting functionality comes in handy.


Importing articles

To import FAQ articles, go to Content > FAQ and click Import articles at the top of the window, and select the file that you want to import. If you want to overwrite articles that already exist, toggle the Overwrite switch. Finally, click Import.

Import articles
Overwrite toggle

FAQ file structure

To import FAQ articles, you need to have an Excel file (XLSX) file containing the FAQs. This file needs to have the following five columns:

  • Lang: the language of a given article. For example, en for English and fr for French.

  • KB: the associated knowledge base. In this field, you must type the host of your Koji. Typically, it is something like: your-host.atlassian.net.

To figure out the KB that must be specified, see the hint on the right side of the window, in the Filter area.

  • Article ID: a unique identifier of the article. You don’t need to specify anything here, because once the file is uploaded, Koji assigns IDs automatically.

  • Title: the title of the article, which can be the question that users may ask in the chat.

  • Content: the answer to the user’s question.

  • Keywords: the keywords related to the article. If there are no keywords, leave the cell empty.


Creating a file with articles

To help you get familiar with FAQ files, we have created one for you. Its purpose is to demonstrate the structure, so the file contains a number of generic questions. To test it, perform the following:

1. Download the test file:

2. Modify the KB column by typing your Koji’s host. It might be something like your-host.atlassian.net.

3. Import the file by clicking Import articles at the top of the window in Content > FAQ.

Now the articles are available both in your FAQ editor and in the chat.

Testing articles

Once your articles are in place, you might want to see them in action. To do so, just ask Koji the question defined in one of your FAQs.

Exporting articles

You can also export FAQ articles. Exporting FAQ articles allows you to create a backup of your internal knowledge base. You can send it to another Koji instance or modify the file’s content and reuse it later on.

To export FAQ articles, go to Content > FAQ and click Export articles at the top of the window. An Excel file with your FAQ articles, in the same format described above, is downloaded. Note that the articles in this file will have an ID.

What’s next?

View the tutorial explaining how to quickly train Koji. It demonstrates managing FAQ and associated files: The quickest way to train Koji.

You can watch our tutorial on how to create and manage FAQs on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HnnSGPiq6U.